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Guinness Storehouse


Visitor Attractions & Heritage Sites



2012, 2017/2018


Dublin, Ireland


The Guinness Storehouse is Ireland’s premier tourist attraction, receiving more overseas visitors that any other site in Ireland, and is strongly positioned as the leading must-see attraction in Dublin. Admission prices at the Storehouse had been unchanged since 2009 and, in the face of rising costs and with a significant investment programme underway, the company was reviewing its pricing with a view to applying an increase in summer 2012. There were some concerns that such an increase could impact negatively on demand given the difficult economic circumstances prevailing in Ireland and in important source markets for Irish tourism at the time. Against this background, Guinness Storehouse commissioned CHL Consulting to provide an independent assessment of the proposed price increase. CHL was further commissioned in 2017 to undertake a review of the impact of the Storehouse on Dublin economy, which was delivered to full satisfaction and also included a consumer survey as part of the methodology.


CHL & Associates

Curran Watson & Associates Ltd. T/A CHL & Associates

Register No. 745547


© CHL & Associates.

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