Kilkenny Castle Business Planning
Planning/Tourism Planning
Office of Public Works
Kilkenny, Ireland
The national agency OPW owns and manages a significant number of sites of historical significance across the country. In its role as lead agency for conservation and education in relation to these sites, it is frequently challenged in balancing tourism demand with its primary objectives at the more popular sites. In this context, and with the additional challenges of Kilkenny Castle being a site of both built heritage and landscape, CHL was commissioned to work with the team at the Castle and in OPW Head Office in facilitating their own in-house business planning process. The aim of the project was to support the team in developing an integrated business plan that would draw together a wide range of material that, at the time, was uncoordinated in order to provide a document that could be readily accessible by both those working in the Castle as well as by external clients seeking to use the historic building.